We haven’t Register Trademark this Doesn’t Means that We are not Aware of treadmark please dont do such things to misuse our name as Treadmark Because Till there is no treadmark name as Lalaji Ki Dukan or Lala Ji Ki Dukan as Trademark so its our Right to Take the Treadmark name 1st and if it happens and someone misuse our name as trademark after 2014 or later then we are not libel to give our domains lalajikidukan.com or lalajikidukan.in also trademark authority have to verify the things before giving the name Lalaji Ki Dukan or Similer

Don’t use Our Name lalajikidukan or @lalajikidukan at any sites like YouTube or any other site or platform.

also if someone register any other (Top Level domain) as lalajikidukan like lalajikidukan.co.in lalajikidukan.co or etc then we have full rights to file legal case against them. so before using our name ask us for permission.

feel free to contact us @ info@lalajikidukan.com